My latest independant project is a short intro animation with the Honolulu Zoo Society. Currently, I am in the preliminary stages of the projects – sketching, storyboarding and dusting the rust off my animation skills. I thought it might be fun to share my progress as we move forward.

It’s always been a goal of mine to animate my doodles. While this process is proving to be time consuming, it is nonetheless enjoyable and rewarding to see my sketches come to life. With the help of some tutorials, I was able to quickly relearn how to properly structure a character that would be easy to rig and animate in Adobe AfterEffects.

The second challenge that I, silly me, forgot to think about was that the run cycle of a 4-legged animal is much different that a 2-legged walk cycle. It was like a puzzle trying to get the keyframes just right.

By “grounding” I am referring to a sense of place. Where my keyframe lion is running in air in the previous GIF, this lion now belongs to a scene (inspired by my trip to Namibia).
Stayed tuned for more animal animations!